Types of Cancer


Types of Skin Cancer

Skin Cancer is a condition caused due to harsh effects of ultraviolet lights from the Sun. Prolonged exposure to Sun can cause skin cells to grow in [...]

Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can begin in the breast lobules, ducts and in some cases it can begin in the tissues between. A breast is made up of milk producing [...]

Types of Thyroid Cancer

What is cancer of the thyroid? Thyroid cancer is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the thyroid gland tissues. The thyroid gland is located [...]

Types of Bone Cancer

Approximately, 2,000 people are diagnosed with bone tumors each year. All of which can be found in the United States. This kind of cancer can be [...]

Types of Brain Cancer

There are many types of brain cancer that exist today. Sadly, the number of victims has been growing in the last few years. Basically, brain cancer [...]

Types of Blood Cancer

Cancer cells may occur in any organic system in the human physiology. Where blood cancer is concerned, cancerous cells will usually attack different [...]

Types of Stomach Cancer

What is a stomach cancer? Stomach cancer or gastric cancer is a type of malignant tumor that develops in the stomach-the muscular J-shaped sac [...]