The Different Types of Trees

Trees come in different shapes and sizes. There are several types of trees or tree species in the world that make part of our ecosystem that acts as a habitat for over 140,000 animal species and other micro-organisms. Scientifically trees are very important to both humans and the environment. Therefore it is very important to conserve and plant more tree species to maintain their number and preserve the environment and the ecosystem. Trees are divided into two categories namely deciduous and coniferous trees as can be seen in the following discussion.
Types of Deciduous Trees
These trees are sometimes referred to as broadleaf trees because of their leaves. They have larger and wider leaves as compared to those of coniferous trees. They spread out as they grow and they have rounded shapes as compared to conifers. Deciduous trees tend to drop their leaves during autumn. This is because the larger the size of the leaf the greater the surface area for photosynthesis and as such the leaf can not certain weather conditions. Most of these trees are hardwood trees. These trees are predominantly grown for their highly valued timber. The following is a list of deciduous trees
- Red Maple
- Norway Maple
- Sweet Gum
- Paper Birch
- Hedge Maple
- Black Gum
- River Birch
- Columnar Beech
- White Birch
- Columnar Beech
- Lombardy Poplar
- Chinese Elm
- European Beech
- Green Ash
- Bald Cypress
- Hackberry
- Yellow Poplar
- Pin Oak
- Osage Orange
- Weeping Willow
- Black Locust
- Poplar Hybrid
- Sourwood
- Yellowwood
- Prairie horizon alder
- Goldrush amur cherry
- Mancana Ash
- Crimson frost birch
- Dakota pinnacle birch
- Ohio buckeye
- Gladiator flowering crabapple
- Spring snow crabapple
- Royalty flowering crabapple
- Thunderchild flowering crabapple
- Starlite crabapple
- Discovery elm
- Prairie expediton elm
- Dropmore linden
- Delta hackberry
- Harvest gold linden
- Norlin little linden
- American basswood
- True north linden
- Royal crown amur maple
- Green mountain sugar maple
- Sienna glen maple
- Silver cloud maple
- Manitoba maple
- Showy mountain ash
- Oakleaf mountain ash
- Northern pin oak
- Assiniboine poplar
- DN2 poplar
- Escot poplar
- Okanese poplar
- Northwest poplar
- Skyfest poplar
- Russian olive
- Japanese tree lilac
- Golden eclipse tree lilac
- Ivory silk tree lilac
- Black walnut
- Butternut
- Acute leaf willow
- Silky white willow
- Golden chain tree
- Trident maple
- Paper bark maple
- Tulip tree
- Jeffesred autumn blaze
- Variegated tulip tree
- Upright tulip tree
- Magnolia
- Tupelo
- Stardust
- Fairview flame
- October glory
- Summer surprise
- Red red wine
- Red horse chest nut
- White Himalayan birch
- European hornbeam
- Chinese pistacia
- Iron bark tree
- Ornamental pear
- Forest pansy
- Judas tree
- Dogwoods
- Dais cotinifolia
- English beech
- Crepe myrtles
- Sycamore
- Royal paulownia
- Redbud
- Hickory
- Cottonwood
- Holly
- Sassafras
Types of Coniferous Trees
These trees are also known as evergreen trees. This is because the leaves of these trees remain green throughout the year and they only drop the old leaves. On top of that these trees grow upwards and have a triangular shape.
These trees have long pointed needle like and flat scaled leaves. Coniferous trees do not lose their leaves annually and they are evergreen. These trees are strong and resistant to different climatic conditions. Most of these types of trees are softwood trees. The types of Christmas trees actually all belong in the coniferous family.
Unlike the deciduous trees, conifers are not in very high demand but that does not mean that they are useful for their timber. The following is a list of this type of trees
- Scots Pine
- Noble Pine
- Creeping Blue Chip Juniper
- Eastern White Pine
- Jack Pine
- Scots Pine
- Red Pine
- White Spruce
- Black Spruce
- Norway Spruce
- Red spruce
- Blue spruce
- Balsam fir
- Fraser fir
- White Fir
- Eastern hemlock
- Northern cedar
- Canada yew
- Northern whitecedar
- Tamarack eastern larch
- Golden larch
- Cathaya
- Douglas fir
- King William pine
- Dawn redwood
- Metasequioa
- Cypress
- Wollemi pine
- Dammar pine
- Kauri pine
- Plum yew
- Celery pine
- Araucaria
- Podocarp
- Brown pine
- Rimu
- New Zealand dacryberry
- Totara
- African yellowwood
- Rockingham podocarp
- Yacca podocarp
- Cape yellowwood
- Tar wood
- Common sickle pine
- Yellow leaf sickle pine
- New Zealand mountain pine
- Silver pine
- Westland pine
- Imou pine
- Huon pine
- Dwarf mugo pine
- Giant sequoia
- Alaskan yellow cedar
- Western red cedar
- Western hemlock
- Junipers
- Western larch
- Bristlecone pine
- Lodgepole pine
- Jefrey pine
- The coastal sitka spuce
- Red fir
- English yew
- Conversely,stinking cedar
- Monterey cypress
- Leyland cypress
- Blue deodar cedar
- Mediterranean/Italian cypress
- Totem cypress
- Blue arrow juniper
- Cylinder head cypress
- Norfolk Island pine
- Blue Arizona pine
- Blue Atlas cedar
- Weeping Atlas cedar
- Blue Spanish fir
- Weeping deodar
- Ponderosa pine
- Red alder
- Pacific yew
i like the fact that you place them in the different types as how it is done……………………… WELL DONE
I like the fact that there are multiple amounts of trees. Amazing job. What would make it outstanding would be if you had placed pictures of the types of trees.
You seriously say well done to THAT?
under the conifers u dint include cones as their seed bearing structure
That’s literally what a conifer is. Kind of self explanatory, Don’t you think?
Every one is passionate at least about one thing. On my side am passionate about different spices of trees. Trees have been there since time in memorial but with time they are declining reason being many people do not know the importance of conserving them, forgetting the generation that will come. It’s quite clear that population is increasing with high late, meaning that the trees will be cut down for people to settle beating the logic. Join me as we look for a solution to solve the mess. You are most welcome to like my blog page
Thanks so much Wairimu for there way u see things am also campaigning for natural resources and environment conservation
it is very good and the information is very useful. only thing is that you guys said “columnar beech” twice and it wiuld be nice if you added photoes o the trees.
Why do silky leaves help coniferous trees ?
Short and precise, along with images would have been much better.
5 different types of tree. Write few lines on type climate/soil they need listning their adaptations and their uses.
Even I am amazed at the no of trees and arranged in order.Only pictures were needed.
please, what types of trees absorbing much water?
Weeping willows are great around water!
I’m studying about trees in school
Sick bruh me too
There are loads more trees I know! HELLO! Where are THEY?
Prairie expediton elm
Dropmore linden
Delta hackberry
Harvest gold linden
Norlin little linden
American basswood
True north linden
Royal crown amur maple
Green mountain sugar maple
Sienna glen maple
Silver cloud maple
Manitoba maple
Showy mountain ash
Oakleaf mountain ash
Northern pin oak
Assiniboine poplar
DN2 poplar
Escot poplar
Okanese poplar
Northwest poplar
Skyfest poplar
Russian olive
Japanese tree lilac
Golden eclipse tree lilac
Ivory silk tree lilac
Black walnut
Acute leaf willow
Silky white willow
Golden chain tree
Trident maple
Paper bark maple
Tulip tree
Jeffesred autumn blaze
Variegated tulip tree
Upright tulip tree
Fairview flame
October glory
Summer surprise
Red red wine
Red horse chest nut
White Himalayan birch
European hornbeam
Chinese pistacia
Iron bark tree
Ornamental pear
Forest pansy
Judas tree
Dais cotinifolia
English beech
Crepe myrtles
Royal paulownia
it is the beauty of nature which we are getting in the form of different types of trees, Moreover beautiful,,,,,
with pictures would be more beautiful
Wow. Lots of trees.
OH! Wait…. no…..FOUND IT! It was an Red Alder! whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooops!
I want to know much about the tree that called”the cylinder of oxygen”
It is without doubt true that without trees life would almost be impossible to be in existence, that means trees are for life. good job
IA’M interested in saving trees.
They are so important for life and the environment.
different types of evergreen plant
Good information about trees. Very helpful to students
how about the types of trees based on growth pattern? Thanks….
Trees are actually categorized by the terms Deciduous (which means they drop their leaves for a short time each year) and Evergreens (Meaning the tree is never without leaves.) Conifers simply implies that the trees seed-bearing “fruit” is a cone (i.e. Pine Cones). Some conifers may actually be deciduous or evergreen depending on the species.
what do we call the sort of trees like almond trees and apple trees and apricot trees?