Types of Dendrobium Orchids
Orchids are one of the biggest families of flowering plants that contain over 26,000 different species. One of the major classifications for the orchid is the dendrobium. The dendrobium group contains 1200 unique species that are located all over the world. Dendrobium species such as D. noble and phalaenopsis are two of the most popular types within this class. The following list describes some of the most recognized dendrobium orchid species.
Dendrobium Noble Orchid
This particular type of orchid has strap-shaped leaves and it produces between 2 and 4 short flowered racemes. The flower is has a waxy feel and is very fragrant. D. noble grows in various colors such as yellow, white and pink. The stem blooms during the flowering period and flowers can be seen along the whole length of the plant.
Dendrobium Phalaenopsis
Dendrobium phalaenopsis is also known as the national emblem of Queensland. The phalaenopsis grows in vibrant colors such as purple, lavender and pink. The purple flowers are especially popular. The plant can grow up to 2 ½ feet tall and the flowers are on racemes that are up to 1 foot and 4 inches long.
Dedrobium Niindi
Dedrobium niindi is a yellow orchid that has been nicknamed cowslip or the butter orchid because of its bright yellow color. This particular plant can be fount in Southwest Australia and it grows from underground stem. Each stalk on the niidi produces between 2 and 5 flowers. This plant not only comes in a yellow color it also has hues such as pink, magenta and white.
The moorie is a rare type of orchid that is only found on Lord Howe Island which is located near New Zealand. The moorie has white flowers with lines of pink. The stems are about 3 feet high and they have a slender shape. The flowers on the moorie are typically surrounded by four or five leaves.
The junceum found in the Philippines and this particular orchid grows pseudobulbs. It has thin white roots and grows on another plant. This particular species of orchid has seeds that grow on a part of the flowers petal.
Dockrilla Wassellii
The dockrilla wassellii can be found in Australia and it grows on the upper branches of the emergent trees that are located in the Iron and Mcllwraith Ranges on Cape York Peninsula. This plant has strait leaves and is short and thick. The stems are crowded with many flower petals and the plant has hues of white and yellow.
The lineale grows in New Guinea and it has pseudobulbs that have a cane like appearance. The flowers are rather large with 4 inch petals. The leaves of this plant are about 6 inches long. The petals of the flowers naturally produce colors such as pink, blue, yellow, purple and white.
Cepobaculum Johannis
Cepobaculum Johannis orchid is also known as the Chocolate Tea Tree orchid. This orchid grows is a native species in Queensland. It grows on the bark of the Chocolate Tea Tree. The flowers that are produced by this orchard are brown and yellow with a twisted appearance. They also have an unpleasant scent.
The Golden-Bow Dendrobium
The Golden-Bow dendrobium is also known as the fried egg orchid. This particular flower gets its name from the brightly yellow colored petals and stems that the plant produces. The flowers have an appearance that resembles a fried egg.
This particular orchid is a small plant that has pointed fleshy leaves with undivided flower petals. The flowers grow in clumps and they come in colors such as yellow, light green and white. The uniflorum orchid grows in warm climates. Theses are a few of the many different types of dendrobium orchids that are grown around the world.
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