Types of Yellow Roses

Roses have been most people’s favorite since centuries. Thanks to more than 14,000 varieties of hybrid tea roses, shrub roses, floribundas, old garden roses and many more; Roses have been an epitome of symbolism. The most fascinating aspect of roses is their fragrance and the color. Roses are available in several colors which enhance their beauty and are definitely awe-inspiring. As popular as the Red Roses are, the yellow ones are not far behind. The variety of yellow roses available makes them absolutely fascinating. Let’s check out the 10 varieties of yellow roses available:

Yellow Rose Varieties

Abraham Darby – Named after the Industrialist, Abraham Darby , it is a cross breed between climber Aloha and floribunda Yellow Chushion. The color of the yellow rose varies according to the climate but mostly features pale yellow on the outside and apricot pink or peach on the inside. The flowering period is mostly June- October.

Absolutely Fabulous – A splendid butter yellow floribunda, Absolutely Fabulous presents the appearance of an old fashioned yellow rose. It is said that this variety of yellow rose has a strong licorice candy and spice fragrance. It was attributed as the Rose of the year 2010. The blossoming period of the rose is from June- October.

Alpine Sunset – Alpine Sunset is a large flowering hybrid tea rose with offers a superb fragrance. They are big creamy yellow blossoms with a bit of flushed peach pink which appear absolutely elegant. They flourish throughout the flowering season from June to October.

Bright Smile – Bright Smile yellow roses are small roses which grow in short bushes. They have a clear yellow color and offer a light fragrance. The Bright Smile yellow roses pot up to show their stamens and this makes the rose type’s appearance unique and beautiful.

Canary Bird – Canary Bird is one of the most popular species of yellow roses. The rose flowers early in the season and presents a bright canary yellow color and grows as a medium sized shrub.

Buff Beauty – Buff Beauty is one of the most beautiful roses in the group with a vibrant/ darker shade of yellow. The fragrance of the rose is quite strong and grows in clusters on a strong open plant.

Easy Going – Easy Going yellow rose displays a golden yellow amber color which look totally gorgeous. The rose also features a strong scent which is almost fruity. It is also know as a low- maintenance shrub.

Emily Gray – Emily Gray comes in the climbing rose category. The rose features bronze and buff yellow color which later fades to a pale yellow. The flower is also scented and while blooming appears as a fine glossy foliage.

Euphoria – The Euphoria rose is definitely a distinctive one with its dual color appearance of striking yellow and orange at the offset. Almost like the shade of fire, Euphoria blossoms in the May- October period.

Evelyn – The English Shrub Rose, Evelyn appears a giant flowers with small petals intertwined within. It has mid yellow to apricot peachy color. The most striking feature of the flower is its fantastic fragrance which is almost of an old rose and fruity strong.

Yellow Roses are easy to grow and maintain. Moreover, they will enhance the beauty of your garden. These roses are easy to find online too if you need to buy them in bulk.

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